• Use design process to create art Research, Plan, Evaluate, create
• CONCEPT Risk Students will attempt to create art outside their comfort zone. This outside the box concept is known as risk. When a student gives up control and allows for room to fail they are in the risk zone. It is in that risk zone where magic and inspired work is created. Failure is momentary, learn from a mistake and keep moving forward.
• ELEMENTS AND PRINCIPLES ART VOCABULARY / Apply principles and elements of design Symmetry, asymmetry, form, shape, space, balance, harmony, value, composition, texture, pattern, line
• ART CRITIC Analyze artwork Styles of art, Expressive qualities, Communication, play the part of an art critic
• ART PRODUCTION Use correct technique in production of art Tools, Media, Craftsmanship, Construction and production
• HISTORY / CULTURE Integrate art with life experience Culture, Careers, Disciplines (other classes) Integrate culture when and where ever possible. Art becomes great when it is personal.
• Apply techniques and processes in a variety of media
• Describe, analyze, interpret and judge art images and objects from various cultures, artists and designers
• Create works using mixed media
• Use art as a basic way of thinking and communicating in our world
• Reflect and talk about works of art
• Create thumbnail sketches to solve design problems
• Practice safe and responsible use of media & equipment